
Everyone has a unique life story. No matter where you are on that journey, it's never too late to create a better tomorrow. Your life is a song and it should sing of enjoyment, meaning, and purpose. But why settle for a song when your life could be a symphony?!


I'm Seth Winterhalter

In 2021, my life took a radical turn. The impact of the pandemic and political division made my work as a pastor detestable. Behind the scenes, my marriage was hanging on by a thread as two people realized they had radically different directions for the path in front of them. 

Over the year and a half that followed, Storyline Symphony was born, not out of ease and success, but out of pain and hardship. I used to be a professional conductor leading musicians. Now I am a professional coach and counselor helping you compose and conduct a better tomorrow filled with enjoyment, meaning, and purpose.


Digital Courses

Learning and taking action at your own pace and schedule.

Virtual Workshop

A live experience with hands-on insights and application.

1:1 Coaching

Our 90-day program guarantees a brand-new life story.

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My Story

Over the past few years after my transition out of pastoral ministry, I began to reflect on my time as an orchestral conductor. What I found were incredible pictures of leadership and strategy and I used those to coach and consult business owners and company executives. 

While I enjoyed that work and still do, I wanted to offer the insights, tools, and encouragement to all kinds of people, regardless of their work or positions. Thus, Storyline Symphony was born in the summer of 2022. It's really the collection and cohesion of my life's work for the past 25 years and I hope it helps you experience a life of far more enjoyment, meaning, and purpose because, friend, you deserve it.

"Working with Seth has changed my life. My business has record profits and I'm finally able to launch my nonprofit!"

- Todd Boggs

"Last year, it felt like most of my days were putting out fires. Today, I have more clarity, focus, and boundaries in place to make my life far more enjoyable."

- Matthew Garner

"From lost in a fog of doubt and distraction to creating the life of my dreams...Thank you, Seth!"

- Rachel Irish

Why I Do It

As a professional conductor working in the classical music industry, I gleaned some incredible insights that I've now crafted into illustrations to help you. One of these is this: to live a life of meaning and purpose one must compose a life on paper, just like a composer writes a symphony. However, writing the song does not produce any sound. A conductor must conduct an orchestra to make it a living, breathing work of art.

Your life is the same. You must compose your desired life on paper but you must conduct your life accordingly to make it produce the sound you desire. Storyline Symphony is here to do just that...help you write a better tomorrow and give you the tools and support to live it.


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